Families in Psychology Project

The Families in Psychology Project (FIPP) is a collaborative research and advocacy effort originally initiated by a small group of graduate student and early career parents. We are interested in increasing the visibility of and advocacy for parents and other caregivers pursuing careers in psychology. Through various projects and publications we hope to raise awareness about specific issues at the intersection of work and family in the field of psychology.

As of January 2024, FIPP is relatively inactive and not facilitating any current research and advocacy projects. You are welcome to consult with us by email at familiesinpsych@gmail.com


Publications and Presentations

Pereira, L.M., Oberleitner, D., Cantone, J., Wilhelmi, B., DiCola, K., Grasetti, S., & Pereira, S. (2023, January). Attitudes of Psychology Students and their Mentors Towards Family Planning While in Graduate School. Poster presented at the Annual MidWinter Meeting of the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology. 

Pereira, L. M., Oberleitner, D. E., Cantone, J. A., Wilhelmi, B. L., Grassetti, S. N., Dicola, K., & Pereira, S. C. (2023). Attitudes about parenting and family planning among psychology trainees and mentors. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 17(1), 71–80. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000398

Ortiz-Suslow, D. G., Furman, T., Sun-Suslow, N., Clement, A., Potter, H., Wilhelmi, B. L. (2019, December). Perspectives on parenthood within the academic research environment. Panel discussion at the Centennial Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA. 

Grassetti, S. N., Pereira, L. M., Wilhelmi, B. L. (2019) The families in psychology project: Restructuring the field of psychology through inclusive leadership that recognizes the importance of psychologists' personal identities as parents. Bulletin of the British Psychological Society 2(2):53-59

Wilhelmi, B. L., Pereira, L., Pereira, S., Oberleitner, D. E., & Braniecki, S. (2019). Work and family in the psychology pipeline: Qualitative findings from a national study of trainees and mentors. Practice Innovations, 4(4), 225-240. https://doi.org/10.1037/pri0000099

Grassetti, S. N., Pereira, L. M., Hernandez, E., & Fritzges-White, J. (2019). Conquering the maternal wall: Trainee perspectives on supervisory behaviors that assist in managing the challenges of new parenthood during clinical internship. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 13(3), 200–205. https://doi.org/10.1037/tep0000234

Samanoglu, M., Piela, G., & Pereira, L. (February, 2019). The Impact of Support on Female Psychology Graduate Students and Pre-doctoral Interns on Family Planning. Poster presented at The 2019 Association for Women in Psychology annual conference, Newport, RI.

Rivera, V., Wilhelmi, B., & Pereira, L. (August, 2018). Development of a Family Resource Directory and Ranking System for APA-Accredited Doctoral Programs. Poster Presented at the 126th Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.

Rivera, V., Wilhelmi, B. L., & Pereira, L. M.(April, 2018). How Family-Friendly are APA-Accredited Doctoral Programs in California? Poster Presented at the Annual California Psychological Association Convention. La Jolla, CA.

Wilhelmi, B. L., Pereira, L.M., Pereira, S., Oberleiter, D., & Braniecki, S. (August, 2016). Two P’s in a Pod: Balancing Parenthood with Psychology Training and Careers. Symposium at the 124th Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.


2021, February 3, 2021. Episode 1: Guilt, grief, & glass ceilings: A psychologist's view on working moms (No. 1) [Audio podcast episode].  https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/momsatwork/episodes/Episode-1-Guilt--Grief---Glass-Ceilings-A-Psychologists-View-On-Working-Moms-ephgiu/a-a4fafjn

Novotney, A. (2018, October 1). Support for psychologist parents. Monitor on Psychology, 49(9). https://www.apa.org/monitor/2018/10/psychologist-parents